The History of Egypt and the Ancient Egyptians for Kids The History of Egypt and the beliefs of the Ancient Egyptians for kids - Ancient Egyptian Picture Gallery |

| A comprehensive illustrated guide to the history of Egypt & the ancient Egyptians. Discover fascinating facts & information about the culture, history and civilisation of the ancient Egyptians. The mysterious ancient Egyptian gods, the pyramids, the tombs, the temples, the mummies and the sphinx. Learn about the people of ancient Egypt including the pharaohs, the kings and queens, the priests, the scribes and the daily life of men and women. Unravel the secrets of their symbols, the ancient Egyptian writing, understand their hieroglyphics, ancient Egyptian art, architecture, religion, food, clothing, river Nile - all about ancient Egypt. | |
Ancient Egyptians Discover the history of Egypt and all about the lives of the Ancient Egyptians. The aim of this Ancient Egyptians site is to provides facts and information about the ancient Egyptians to enable kids and students to gain an easy understanding of the civilisation, culture in ancient Egypt and the lives of the ancient Egyptians. Interesting pictures and images to catch the imagination and enable kids and students to unravel the mysteries of the hieroglyphs and ancient symbols and to recognise the ancient gods displayed in the art, statues and artefacts in the tombs and temples of ancient Egypt and the Egyptians. Each article on the life of the Egyptians is accompanied by pictures and fact sheets or fact files making the study of the Ancient Egyptians easy and informative. Kids and students will enjoy the learning process and demonstrate a high level of understanding of the Egyptians and life in ancient Egypt. Ancient Egyptians for Kids - Egyptian Daily Life and Food The section on the ancient Egyptians Daily Life covers a whole host of subjects such as the food, diet, houses, furniture, calendars, inventions, entertainment, education, doctors, physicians, medicine, farming, games, sports, music, dance, animals, birds, jobs and occupations, lifestyle, stone quarries, sports, weapons and the ancient Egyptian military. Learn about the social classes of the Egyptians, the upper class, royalty, slaves, priests, physicians, viziers, teachers and scribes. Facts and information all about Egypt and the daily life of the ancient Egyptians. 
Ancient Egyptians - Religion, Culture, Beliefs, Practices and Magic This section is all about the Religion, Culture, Beliefs, Practices and Magic of the Egyptians. Read all about the beliefs of the Egyptians, their religious practices and behavior that endured across generations for thousands of years. The culture, religion and history of the ancient Egyptians and the people of ancient Egypt are referred to on most pages. Discover facts and information about the culture, religion, beliefs, magic, amulets, talismans, lucky charms, rituals and ceremonies of the ancient Egyptians including the secret rituals and ceremonies held in the temples and tombs. Facts about the different forms of worship and religious cults and festivals enjoyed by the ancient Egyptians. Fascinating facts and info about the ancient Egyptian religion, their beliefs, magic and magic spells which formed such a large part of the culture and religion of the ancient Egyptians. Ancient Egyptians for Kids - Egyptian Art & Architecture An illustrated guide to ancient Egyptian Art, architecture and crafts of the ancient Egyptians. Our articles on Egyptian Art are accompanied by pictures and paintings bringing the Art of the ancient Egyptians to life, enabling a greater understanding of the Egyptians. There are examples of art in paintings of Egyptians which provide illustrations of Egyptian art in the form of the symbols of the Egyptians, the design of their clothing, the architecture of the Egyptians, decorations of the Egyptians and jewelry that accompanied them and formed part of ancient Egyptian art history. Read about the architecture of the Egyptians including the obelisks, temples and tombs. Ancient Egyptians for Kids - Egyptian History and Civilisation The civilization and history of Egypt and the ancient Egyptians was one of the earliest in the history of the world. The civilization and history of ancient Egypt and the Egyptians was marked by their society that reached an advanced stage of social and technological development and organization. The history and achievements of the ancient Egyptians was attained through the education of the ancient Egyptian people to achieve a high standard of behaviour which was only rivalled at the time by the ancient civilization of the Sumerians, in Mesopotamia. The long lifespan of the ancient Egyptians civilization and history lasted for thousands of years from its early history c. 5500 BC until 30 AD. Ancient Egyptian history fell into distinct periods: Ancient Egyptian Time Periods | 
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| Prehistoric Egypt 5000 - 3100 BCE | 
| The Early Dynastic Period: 3100 - 2686 BCE | 
| The Old Kingdom 2686 - 2181 BCE | 
| 1st Intermediate Period 2181- 2134 BCE | 
| The Middle Kingdom 2134 - 1782 BCE | 
| 2nd Intermediate Period 1782 -1550 BCE | 
| The New Kingdom 1550 -1069 BCE | 
| 3rd Intermediate Period 1069 - 664 BCE | 
| The Late Period 664 - 332 BCE | 
| Ptolemaic Egypt 332 - 30 BCE | 
| Roman & Byzantine Egypt 30 BCE - 641 CE |
The major periods in the history and civilisation of the history of the Egyptians were separated by Intermediate Periods when Egypt was weak and divided all of which are detailed in the Egyptians History Timeline. Ancient Egyptians for Kids - Egyptian Pyramids, Tombs and the Sphinx The construction of the Pyramids by the ancient Egyptians always raised the question of "How were Egyptian pyramids built?". People then ask the questions who built the pyramids, why did the Egyptians build the pyramids, how did the Egyptians build the pyramids, what was inside the pyramids, who were the Egyptians that built the pyramids and what was the purpose of the pyramids? The section on the pyramids provide helpful maps and information about the location of the pyramids, the tombs and the enigmatic Egyptian Great sphinx. Among the spectacles of Egypt, the Great Sphinx of Giza, near modern-day Cairo, is one of the most famous. The Great Sphinx of Giza is the mystifying colossus with the head of a man and the body of a lion. Secret passages built by the Egyptians pierce the Sphinx of Giza, connecting it with the Second Pyramid built by the Pharaoh Khafre. The Egyptians built the Tombs in the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens was where many of the famous kings and queens of Ancient Egypt were buried, the most famous of all the tombs was that of King Tutankhamun. 
Napoleon Bonaparte and the Great Sphinx |
Ancient Egyptians for Kids - Egyptian Gods, Goddesses and Deities The ancient Egyptian Gods, goddesses and deities played an important role in the daily life of the Egyptians. The major gods worshipped by the ancient Egyptians included Ra, Atum, Isis, Osiris, Ptah Anubis and Horus. The Egyptian deities were worshipped in cult centers throughout Upper and Lower Egypt. The images and pictures of the Ancient Egyptian deities were sometimes portrayed as 'human hybrids' taking on the form and characteristics of animals such as the hippopotamus, crocodile, jackal, ibis, ram, vulcan or falcon with human bodies but heads of birds and animals. Learn about the names and depictions of the mysterious deities of Ancient Egypt including the nine gods who formed the 'Ennead of Heliopolis'. Each article is accompanied by pictures and images and a fact sheet making the study of the Egyptian deities, and their symbols easy and informative, and provide kids and students with the ability to demonstrate a high level of understanding of gods and deities of Egypt and the Egyptians. Ancient Egyptians for Kids - Egyptian Pharaohs, Kings & Queens As the history of the ancient Egyptians stretched over thousands of years there were many Egyptian Pharaohs, Kings & Queens. The most famous ancient Egyptian rulers and pharaohs who ruled the ancient Egyptians included Queen Cleopatra, King Tutankhamun, Queen Hatshepsut, King Seti I, King Ramses II, King Djoser, King Thutmose III, the Heretic King Akhenaten (father of Tutankhamun), Queen Nefertiti, Queen Tiye and Queen Nefertari. Read the biographies about about their lives of the royal Egyptians. The Ancient Egyptians Timeline of the pharaohs charts the great dynasties of these famous kings and queens of the Egyptians.  Ancient Egyptians for Kids - King Tutankhamun King Tutankhamun, known as King Tut, was an insignificant boy-pharaoh of the ancient Egyptians. Tutankhamun was practically unknown until Howard Carter, the famous English Egyptologist, discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun in November 1922, in an expedition financed by Lord Carnarvon. This section provides facts and information about the life of Tutankhamun, the Tomb of Tutankhamun and interesting info about the theories regarding Who Killed King Tut and the myths surrounding the Curse of King Tut. It also provides details of the treasures of King Tutankhamun and the life of Howard Carter and the mystifying death of Lord Carnarvon. Ancient Egyptians for Kids - Egyptian Names & Dictionary The section on Egyptian Names brings a little light relief from the history of ancient Egypt and the civilization of the Egyptians and include ancient Egyptian names, Egyptian names meaning, Egyptian god names, Egyptian names for boys, Egyptian names for girls and even a section on Egyptian cats and Egyptian cat names. The ancient Egyptian Dictionary provides facts and information with a a fast reference guide to names of the famous leading Egyptians, priests, places, gods, kings, and queens that featured in the ancient history of the ancient Egyptians. Ancient Egyptians for Kids - Egyptian Clothes, Dress, Clothing and Headdresses The Egyptians way of life and the clothes and clothing of the ancient Egyptian men, women and children was dictated by the climate in Egypt and the raw materials, plants and animals that were available in Egypt. The materials available to the ancient Egyptians provided the clothes, dress and clothing of the different social classes. The raw materials available to the ancient Egyptians and the climate and weather impacted the type of clothing worn by the Egyptians. The Headdresses and crowns worn by the royal Egyptians are important to the history of ancient Egypt. The different styles of headdresses and crowns indicated the kingdoms that were ruled by the kings and queens of Egypt and also distinguished the ancient gods of the Egyptians and the attributes of the deities. The materials used by the Egyptians to make the clothes and clothing of the men, women and children remained fairly constant across thousands of years. The styles of dress and the fashion of the Egyptians hardly changed. Ancient Egyptians for Kids - Egyptian Jewelry, Make-up & Perfume Women and men enjoyed wearing Egyptian Jewelry, Make-up & Perfume and there was even a god of perfume. Even the statues of the gods were adorned with make-up applied by the Egyptians. The ancient Egyptians washed the statues with perfume on a daily basis. Egyptian perfume was believed to be a gift of the gods and perfumes featured strongly in the religious rituals and ceremonies practised by the ancient Egyptians. The jewelry of the Ancient Egyptians was made of gold, less commonly from silver. The precious and semi-precious stones used in the making of Egyptian jewelry included Turquoise, Carnelian, Feldspar, Amethyst and Lapis lazuli. The different types of jewelry worn by the ancient Egyptians included included a variety of jewelry including amulets, necklaces, diadems, collars, pendants, bracelets, rings, head jewelry, anklets and royal insignia. |
Ancient Egyptians | Facts and Information about Ancient Egyptians |  | The Ancient Egyptians, Gods and Deities and the Afterlife |  | Facts and information about Ancient Egypt & the Egyptians |  | The Ancient Egyptians, God and Deities and the Afterlife |  | The Religion of the Ancient Egyptians |  | Facts and information about the ancient Egyptians for schools, research and kids |
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Ancient Egyptians - Hieroglyphics - Ancient Egyptian Writing & Language The Egyptians used a system of writing called hieroglyphs or hieroglyphics. The writing and language of hieroglyphics used by the Egyptians encompassed over 700 pictures and symbols to represent different objects, actions, sounds and ideas. Learn about the meanings and definitions of some of the most common symbols displayed by the ancient Egyptians in their Hieroglyphics and the Hieroglyphic alphabet used by the Egyptians. An ideal educational resource for kids, schools and homework about the Hieroglyphics, language, words and writing used by the Egyptians. Learn about the number system, numbers and units of measurement used by the Egyptians. Our articles are designed to significantly increase the understanding of ancient Egypt, the Egyptians and Egyptian language translation. Facts about the Hieroglyphics called the 'language of the gods' by the ancient Egyptians.
Ancient Egyptians - The Book of the Dead & the Papyrus of Ani Discover interesting facts and information about the ancient Egyptian 'Guide to the Afterlife' that was given the name of the 'Book of the Dead' by the German Egyptologist Karl Richard Lepsius (23 December 1810 – 10 July 1884) who published a selection of ancient Egyptian funerary texts in 1842. The 'Book of the Dead' was a protective 'Guide to the Afterlife' containing a collection of 'spells' and instructions to enable Egyptians to overcome the dangerous obstacles that awaited them in the Underworld (Duat), successfully pass judgement in the Hall of Judgement and be permitted to pass into the 'House of Reeds', which was the Egyptian name for paradise.. The Book of the Dead evolved from the Pyramid texts of the Old Kingdom to the Coffin Texts of the Middle Kingdom (c2000 BC) and was fully evolved in the New Kingdom. 
Ancient Egyptians - Egypt Sites, Travel and Tours Learning about the Egyptians will inspire everyone to visit historical sites and undertake Egypt Travel and Tours to experience the wonders of this magical land at first hand. Many people choose to experience a tour of Egypt on a Nile Cruise stopping at the famous destinations and sites of Egypt built by the ancient Egyptians such as the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx and Cairo, the Temples at Karnak and Luxor. Tourists marvel at the tombs built by the ancient Egyptians in the Valley of the Kings. There are cheap flights to Egypt and a choice of different hotels to stay in the land of the Egyptians. Many people choose to take a leisurely vacation on a Nile cruise. Other tourists take a cheap flight and stay at great hotels or join a Nile cruise to visit Lower Egypt and the Nile Delta in the North of Egypt including Cairo, Saqqara, Armana and Memphis. Take a cheap flight and stay at great hotels or join a Nile cruise to visit Upper Egypt and the Nile Valley in the South of Egypt including Luxor (previously called Thebes in Ancient Egypt), Luxor, Abydos, Edfu, Aswan, Karnak and Abu Simbel. Enjoy a great vacation in the land of the Egyptians and take a holiday with Egypt travel, tours and Nile cruises visiting the Land of the Pharaohs and the ancient Egyptians. Ancient Egyptians - Egyptian Mummies, Mummification, Funerals & Death Egyptian Mummies, Funerals, Death and the process of mummification are all subjects that fascinate people about ancient Egypt and the Egyptians. What exactly were Egyptian Mummies and the embalming and mummification process? Interesting facts and info about the ancient Egyptians and their mummies, mummification, the role of the jackal-headed god. Discover facts and info about the significance of the scarab, the sarcophagus and the masks used in the religious ceremonies and rituals. Discover the ancient Egyptians concept of the afterlife soul and the called the 'Ka' and the 'Ba'. All of these subjects are associated with the rituals surrounding the mummies, the embalmers of Egypt and the mummification process. Ancient Egyptians - Maps, Geography, the River Nile & Cities of Ancient Egypt This section covers the Maps, Geography, the River Nile, Climate, & Cities of Ancient Egypt. It also covers the raw materials used by the Ancient Egyptians. was divided into two regions, Upper Egypt and Lower Egypt which stretched from the Mediterranean Sea in the north of Egypt to its border with Nubia or Kush in the south of Egypt, now Sudan. The region of Upper Egypt was in the Nile Valley and Lower Egypt covered the region called the Nile Delta where the River Nile emptied into the Mediterranean Sea. The major ancient cities of Lower Egypt (in the north) were Memphis, Giza, Crocodilopolis, Tanis, Leontopolis, Sais, Esna (Letopolis), Busiris, Alexandria, Hermopolis, Avaris, Bubastis and Heliopolis. The main cities of Upper Egypt (in the south) were Thebes, Abydos, Koptos, Khmun (Hermopolis), Thinis, Hierakonpolis, Dendera, Edfu, Elephantine and Aswan. Maps provide the details of the locations of the cities and geography of Ancient Egypt and the areas through which the River Nile flowed. Facts and information about the geography of Egypt and the Nile river and its irrigation that made the Egyptians prosperous for over 3000 years. 
Ancient Egyptians - Picture of Nile gods and goddesses carrying offerings |