Meaning of Black

The Art of Ancient Egypt for Kids - The Symbolism & Meaning of Black

The Art, Culture & History of Ancient Egypt and facts about the Symbolism and Meaning of Black

Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians - The Meaning of Black
A comprehensive guide and fact sheet about the Symbolism and Meaning of Black. Discover fascinating facts and information about ancient Egypt and Meaning of the color Black to the ancient Egyptians.
The meaning of the color Black to the ancient Egyptians
The symbolism associated with the Meanings of Colors
Black-colored precious, semi-precious stones and some rare woods including onyx, ebony, obsidian, hematite, basalt and amethyst
Materials used to make Black dyes and pigments
Mineral compounds to create the color
The different shades & symbolic meaning of the color
An overview of the meaning of Black used in ancient Egyptian amulets, talismans, art, jewelry and artefacts

Ancient Egyptians - Meaning of Black
Click a link for additional information and interesting facts about subjects relating to Meaning of Black or other aspects of daily life, the people and places of ancient Egypt.

The Ancient Egyptian Symbolism and Meaning of Black
The Color Symbolism and the meaning of Black conveyed a range of silent messages to everyone who lived in ancient Egypt. The color Black is evident in the numerous wall paintings in the tombs, temples and monuments of the ancient Egyptians. Understanding the color symbolism and the meaning of the color will bring a new perspective and unlock some of the secrets of
Ancient Egyptian Art.

Ancient Egyptian Color Symbolism - Different Shades of Black and White
The ancient Egyptian concept of black covered all shades of the color including the different shades of grey. The Black and white colors of Ancient Egypt were chalk white, lead white, silver, ivory black and lamp black. A rich velvety black was created from the soot produced by oil lamps, now known as lamp black, or by roasting crushed ivory now known as ivory black, a warm, slightly brownish-black.

Black and White Colors of Ancient Egypt 

Ancient Egypt - Symbolism and Meaning of Black Fact Sheet

Fact 1 on Meaning of Black:

The Egyptian name for this color was khem or kem.

Fact 2 on Meaning of Black:

The color represented represented death, the night and the Afterlife. Black was also associated with fertility and regeneration of the land. It was also connected with endurance and stability.

Fact 3 on Meaning of Black:

Various forms of dyes and mineral compounds were used for creating the different colors and shades. Black paint and ink was made from carbon compounds such as charcoal mixed with animal fat.

Fact 4 on Meaning of Black:

The chemical compounds used to create dyes and pigments to produce the color included soot, charcoal, or bone black made from burnt animal bones.

Fact 5 on Meaning of Black:

The ancient Egyptian concept of black covered all shades of the color including the different shades of grey and also the different shades of dark purple.

Fact 6 on Meaning of Black:

The precious and semi-precious Black colored Magical Stones used by the ancient Egyptians included onyx, obsidian, steatite, hematite, basalt and amethyst.

Fact 7 on Meaning of Black:

The expensive and rare wood ebony was often used by royalty and the wealth for creating beautiful furniture and artefacts.

Fact 8 on Meaning of Black:

The ancient Egyptians engaged in trade to obtain rare and exotic materials that were not found in Egypt. Trading links were established in countries including Nubia, Palestine, Afghanistan, Byblos, Punt, Greece, Crete and Anatolia

Fact 9 on Meaning of Black:

Ebony and Obsidian were imported from Nubia. 

Fact 10 on Meaning of Black:

As the color was associated with the Egyptian underworld, statues of Osiris and Anubis were often made of it as were sarcophagi of the deceased. When used to represent resurrection, the colors black and green were sometimes interchangeable.


Ancient Egypt - Symbolism and Meaning of Black Fact Sheet

Abu Simbel


The Ancient Egyptians


Facts about the Symbolism and Meaning of Black in Ancient Egypt
Fascinating information and interesting facts about the Symbolism and Meanings of this color the fast and easy way via the Meaning of Black Fact sheet.

Ancient Egypt - Symbolism and Meaning of Black Fact Sheet

Fact 11 on Meaning of Black:

The area next to the River Nile was called the 'Black lands' further away from the river were the 'Red lands'. Both were extremely important to the economy and civilisation of ancient Egypt.

Fact 12 on Meaning of Black:

The 'Black Lands' were the farming areas on the banks of the Nile. The 'Red Lands' were the desert areas rich in raw materials such as gold, silver and copper and semi-precious stones. The 'Red Lands' protected the lands of Egypt on two sides and separated ancient Egypt from neighbouring countries and invading armies.

Fact 13 on Meaning of Black:

The jackal-headed Anubis the god of the dead, tombs and embalming was depicted with a black head.

Fact 14 on Meaning of Black:

The scarab-headed Khepri. The Scarab was one of the most potent symbols of ancient Egypt primarily symbolizing the sun, resurrection, transformation and protection.

Fact 15 on Meaning of Black:

Set, the Egyptian god of evil, war, hostility, darkness, was pictured with a black head of a fox-like animal with a long curved snout, tall rectangular ears.

Fact 16 on Meaning of Black:

Duamutef was one of the Sons of Horus, depicted as a mummified man with the head of a jackal & protected the stomach contained in a Canopic jar. Duamutef was also associated with Horus.

Fact 17 on Meaning of Black:

Min, the god of fertility and sexual procreativity was depicted with a black colored skin because of his association with fertility and the regeneration of the land.

Fact 18 on Meaning of Black:

Black and green were sometimes interchangeable and Osiris, the ancient Egyptian god of death, the Underworld and rebirth although usually depicted with a green skin color was occasionally depicted with black skin.

Fact 19 on Meaning of Black:

The body of the deceased turned black during the process of mummification. The skin of deceased men was therefore often painted with red during the rituals of mummification.

Fact 20 on Meaning of Black:

Black was used as a standard color for hair. It was also used to represent the skin color of people from the southern areas called the Nubians and the Kushites.

Fact 21 on Meaning of Black:

The hardness of black stone was symbolic of longevity and endurance. Sacred amulets and talismans, such as the Two-Finger Amulet, were made of such materials to ensure that their magical powers lasted for eternity.


Ancient Egypt - Symbolism and Meaning of Black Fact Sheet


Meaning of Black

Facts and Information about the Symbolism and Meaning of the color

Symbolism & Meaning of the color

The people, places, culture and civilization of ancient Egypt

Facts and information about Ancient Egypt & the Egyptians

Meaning of color for kids and schools

Meaning of color  for kids, schools, homework and research

Meaning & Symbolism of the color


Facts about the Meaning of Black to the Ancient Egyptians
Discover fast, interesting fun facts about the Symbolism and Meaning of the color Black in ancient Egypt with some amazing, cool and quick information about ancient Egypt and Egyptians. Ideal for children, homework, schools, teachers and kids of all ages. Find fascinating fun facts about the Symbolism and Meaning of Black for kids and the history, culture and civilisation of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Egypt. Interesting, fun facts about the Symbolism and Meaning of Black for research, schools, students and kids of all ages via the following Fact sheet.

Ancient Egypt - Symbolism and Meaning of Black Fact Sheet

Fact 21 on Meaning of Black:

Onyx is a semi-precious variety of agate with different colors in layers. Onyx is formed of bands of chalcedony in alternating colors, especially bands of black and/or white. Onyx was usually cut into beads and used in talismans, amulets, funerary items and jewelry. Onyx was also used in ancient Egypt as early, as the Second Dynasty, to make bowls and other similar items. Symbolism: Onyx was believed to increase regeneration and gave the power of protection.

Fact 22 on Meaning of Black:

Obsidian: Obsidian is a type of black glass produced by volcanoes. It is shiny and dense black in color. Obsidian was not found naturally in Egypt and had to be imported, it was therefore rare and expensive. It was therefore used by the royal family and is also found as eye inserts in statues and masks and was used for tomb decorations. Symbolism: It was believed to have the magical properties to increase longevity and protection against evil.

Fact 23 on Meaning of Black:

Hematite: Hematite is a reddish-black mineral an ore of iron, also known as red ochre and found in some igneous and metamorphic rocks in the Eastern Desert. The ancient Egyptians placed funerary objects made from Hematite inside their tombs. It was also used for making beads and jewelry. Symbolism: Hematite was believed to have the power of healing and strength and used to reduce stress. The name hematite is derived from the Greek word haimatites for blood.

Fact 24 on Meaning of Black:

Basalt: Basalt is a type of volcanic rock, very dark green, grey to black in color. It was often used by ancient Egyptians on the floors of temples and tombs. Basalt was also used for making eerie black statues of Pharaohs and of the gods in their manifestations of jackals and cats. Symbolism: Basalt was believed to have the magical properties of stability and endurance.

Fact 25 on Meaning of Black:

Amethyst: Amethyst is a precious stone consisting of a violet or purple variety of quartz and was greatly prized by the ancient Egyptians as an ornament and amulet. A tiny heart shaped amethyst was placed in the heart cavity of a mummy together with the scarab amulet. An Amethyst was also carried by ancient Egyptians who suffered from a heart condition. Symbolism: A protective stone, believed to protect wearers from witchcraft.

Fact 26 on Meaning of Black:

Steatite: Steatite is a grey material also known as "soapstone", a talc which was worked into ornaments, inlays, statues and bowls by grinding and polishing. Symbolism: Strength and endurance.

Fact 26 on Meaning of Black:

Kohl was an ancient Egyptian eye cosmetic used to to darken the eyelids and the eyelashes. Kohl was traditionally made by grinding galena (lead sulfide) and other ingredients. Hathor was the goddess of beauty and patron of the cosmetic arts. Symbolism: Ancient Egyptians believed eye makeup protected them from evil spirits.

Ancient Egypt - Symbolism and Meaning of Black Fact Sheet

Ancient Egypt

Egypt and the Symbolism & Meaning of Black
Learning about the ancient Egyptians and the secret symbolism and meanings of their art inspires everyone to visit historical sites and undertake Egypt Travel and Tours to experience the wonders of this magical land at first hand. Many people choose to experience a tour of Egypt on a Nile Cruise stopping at the famous destinations and sites of Egypt such as the Pyramids of Giza. The information and facts about the Symbolism and the Meaning of Black in  will provide you with a great insight into Egypt and the legacy of the ancient Egyptians.

The Symbolism and Meaning of Black to the Ancient Egyptians


Meaning of Black - Color - Meaning - Significance - Materials - Dye - Dyes - Pigment - Pigments - Use - Symbolism - Ancient Egyptians - Pictures - Eygptians - Ancient Egypt - Ancient Egyptians - Kids - Children - Research - Schools - Homework - Eygptians - Egyption - Egypt - History - Ancient - Pictures - Images - Kids - Children - Kids - Facts - Eygptians - Interesting - Information - Kids - Children - Kids - Research - Ancient Egypt - Egyptology - Old Egypt - Egyptology - Egypten - Egyption - Egipt - Meaning of Black - Travel - Tours - Nile Cruise - Holiday - Vacation - Color - Meaning - Significance - Materials - Dye - Dyes - Pigment - Pigments - Use - Symbolism - Eygpt - Written By Linda Alchin