The Egyptian House

The History and Daily Life in ancient Egypt for Kids - The ancient Egyptian House

The Civilization, Culture & History of Ancient Egypt and facts about the Egyptian House

Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians - The Egyptian House
A comprehensive guide and fact sheet about the Egyptian House used by ancient Egyptians for their houses and homes. Discover fascinating facts and information about ancient Egypt and their use of Egyptian House.
The architecture, layout and design of houses
The early 'wattle and daub' style houses
The houses made of mud bricks
The construction and design of ancient Egyptian houses
The farmhouses, villas and palaces
The homes and houses of ancient Egypt
The mastaba tombs of the Pharaohs made from mud bricks
An overview of the Egyptian House of ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians - The Egyptian House
Click a link for additional information and interesting facts about subjects relating to Egyptian House or other aspects of daily life, the people and places of ancient Egypt.

The Egyptian House
Trees were in short supply in ancient Egypt so, instead of using wood, the ancient Egyptians used the soil as construction materials for building their houses. The ancient Egyptians first used soil from the Nile to create 'wattle and daub' style houses. The ancient Egyptians then developed
Mud Bricks for the construction of their homes and houses which provided an inexpensive supply of  extremely efficient building materials. Building with stone was reserved for great monuments to the gods and the pharaohs that the Egyptians deemed were worthy of lasting forever, although some limestone was occasionally used on the ground floors of the houses belonging to the wealthy.

Ancient Egypt - Egyptian House Fact Sheet

Fact 1 on Egyptian House:

The first ancient Egyptian houses were constructed in the 'wattle and daub' style using the soil or mud from the River Nile and dates to the Predynastic period (Neolithic period of the Stone Age). As time went by the 'wattle and daub' style houses progressed to a new style of ancient Egyptian architecture and the Mudbrick houses were developed.

Fact 2 on Egyptian House:

Neolithic settlements appeared all over ancient Egypt around 6000 BC and, as trees and wood was in short supply in ancient Egypt, the soil or mud obtained from  the River Nile was utilized to make the first houses and homes of the ancient Egyptians.

Fact 3 on Egyptian House:

The soil of Egypt was periodically washed by the annual inundation of the River Nile and consisted of a black, compact, homogeneous clay, which dried to a stony hardness.

Fact 4 on Egyptian House:

Construction of the first 'wattle and daub' houses in ancient Egypt started by clearing a rectangular space, typically 8 - 10 feet in width and 16 - 18 feet in length, which was enclosed in a wicker work of palm-branches or reeds which were coated on both sides with a layer of mud.

Fact 5 on Egyptian House:

Construction of the first houses: As the mud layers dried the coating cracked and the gaps were filled with more coats of mud that were daubed on until the walls reached a thickness of 4 - 12 inches.

Fact 6 on Egyptian House:

Construction of the first houses: When the walls of a house were completed the roof was added made from reeds or palm-branches and straw which was covered in with a thin layer of beaten earth.

Mud House

Fact 7 on Egyptian House:

Construction of the first houses: The height of the houses, which were basically huts, varied and ranged from 5 - 7 feet from the floor and there were no windows.

Fact 8 on Egyptian House:

The 'wattle and daub' method of building huts or houses was replaced by using mudbricks as construction materials from at least the 1st Dynasty during the time period known in ancient Egyptian history as the Early Dynastic Period c3100 - 2770 B.C.

Fact 9 on Egyptian House:

Mud bricks were then used in the construction of houses and homes in ancient Egypt. The word "adobe" meaning mudbrick derives from the Ancient Egyptian word, "dbe", with the Arabic "al" added at the beginning.

Ancient Egypt - Egyptian House Fact Sheet

Egyptian Country House

Egyptian Country House

Egyptian House
Discover fast, interesting fun facts about Egyptian House for kids with some amazing, cool and quick information about ancient Egypt and Egyptians. Ideal for children, homework, schools, teachers and kids of all ages! Find fascinating fun facts about Egyptian House for kids and the history, culture and civilisation of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Egypt. Interesting, fun facts about Egyptian House for research, schools, students and kids of all ages.


The Ancient Egyptians


The Egyptian House
Learn about the the layout, design and functions of the houses in ancient Egypt the fast and easy way via the Egyptian house Fact sheet.

Ancient Egypt - Egyptian House Fact Sheet

Fact 10 on Egyptian House:

The Mudbricks used by the ancient Egyptians to build their houses consisted of a combination of sand, silt, and clay taken from the Nile mud and mixed with chopped straw that acted as a strengthening and binding material.

Fact 11 on Egyptian House:

Mud bricks were used in the construction of houses and homes in ancient Egypt - our modern use of the material is commonly called adobe.

Fact 12 on Egyptian House:

Mud  brick architecture was used for a variety of building projects from the creation of the houses of the poorest Egyptians to the massive palace complexes of the kings and pharaohs of ancient Egypt.

Fact 13 on Egyptian House:

Mud bricks were also used to build the ancient Egyptian Mastaba Tombs as shown in the following picture.


Traditional mastaba

Fact 14 on Egyptian House:

The ordinary houses occupied by the 'multitudes' consisted of a ground floor,  sometimes with one or two living-rooms above. The villas and palaces of wealthy Egyptians were built on a much grander style.

Fact 15 on Egyptian House:

The nature of the soil in Egypt did not allow of deep foundations and they rarely measured more than 3 feet. More often the bases used to build houses were levelled and the mudbricks were simply laid upon the surface.

Egyptian House

Fact 16 on Egyptian House:

The houses of the poor consisted of a ground floor, occasionally with one or two living-rooms above. Every room had a hearth for cooking purposes.

Fact 17 on Egyptian House:

The houses of the poor were mostly sparsely furnished as most ancient Egyptians had few belongings. Furniture consisted of baskets or chests to store household goods. Most people sat on the ground and only a few had tables. people often sat on the ground. The poor slept on mattresses filled with straw.

Fact 18 on Egyptian House:

The houses of the middle classes were contained several rooms and some were two or three storeys high.

Fact 19 on Egyptian House:

The following picture of an ancient Egyptian farmhouse contains many features of ancient Egyptian houses. A courtyard was attached to the house and used for outdoor work and for the animals. The lower part of the house was used for storage. The upper rooms were the living quarters, the door was situated above ground level avoiding the constant dust entering the living quarters. The roof often contained a light shelter for shade, this area was often used to sleep in during hot weather.

Ancient Egyptian Farmhouse

Ancient Egypt - Egyptian House Fact Sheet


Egyptian House

Facts and Information about Egyptian House

Egyptian House

The people, places, culture and civilization of ancient Egypt

Facts and information about Ancient Egypt & the Egyptians

Egyptian House for kids and schools

Egyptian House  for kids, schools, homework and research

Egyptian House


The Egyptian House
Learn about the the layout, design and functions of the houses in ancient Egypt the fast and easy way via the Egyptian house Fact sheet.

Ancient Egypt - Egyptian House Fact Sheet

Fact 20 on Egyptian House:

The ground floor of the houses of the wealthy were occasionally built with dressed stones, whilst the upper parts were of brick. The limestone found in the local hills was the stone commonly used for such purposes.

Fact 21 on Egyptian House:

The following picture shows the layout of a house of a very wealthy person living in Thebes. A walled complex containing courtyards and gardens.

Ancient Egyptian House in Thebes

Fact 22 on Egyptian House:

The next picture shows the layout of a palace during the 18th dynasty.

Ancient Egyptian Palace 18th Dynasty

Ancient Egypt - Egyptian House Fact Sheet

The Sphinx

Egyptian House
Learning about the ancient Egyptians and Egyptian House inspires everyone to visit historical sites and undertake Egypt Travel and Tours to experience the wonders of this magical land at first hand. Many people choose to experience a tour of Egypt on a Nile Cruise stopping at the famous destinations and sites of Egypt such as the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx. The information and facts about Egyptian House will provide you with a great insight into Egypt and the legacy of the ancient Egyptians.

Egyptian House


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