The History and Daily Life in ancient Egypt for Kids - Egyptian CropsThe Civilization, Culture & History of Ancient Egypt and facts about Egyptian Crops |
Egyptian Crops Learn about the different types of ancient Egyptian crops and when they were harvested with the Egyptian crops facts sheet. For additional facts and information refer to Ancient Egyptian Agriculture and Ancient Egyptian Farms & Farming. 
Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Crops Fact Sheet |
Fact 1 on Egyptian Crops: | The industrial crops produced in ancient Egypt included papyrus, lotus and many other flowering plants, date palm, oils, flax and henna (to produce dyes). | Fact 2 on Egyptian Crops: | The grains produced in ancient Egypt included corn, emmer wheat (barley). | Fact 3 on Egyptian Crops: | The vegetables harvested in ancient Egypt included onions, garlic, leeks, beans, lentils, chickpeas, radishes, cabbage, cucumbers and lettuce. | Fact 4 on Egyptian Crops: | The fruits harvested in ancient Egypt included dates, figs, peach, apricot, pomegranates, melons and grapes. | Fact 5 on Egyptian Crops: | Most ancient Egyptians worked on the land. The annual flooding of the River Nile was of such importance that the ancient Egyptians based their lives around the three periods of its yearly cycle: flooding, sowing and harvesting. | Fact 6 on Egyptian Crops: | The names of the cycles were Akhet, Peret and Shemu Akhet was June - September was the time of the flood Peret was October - January was the sowing time Shemu was February - May was the harvest time | Fact 7 on Egyptian Crops: | Wheat was sown in November and reaped in April. | Fact 8 on Egyptian Crops: | Barley was sown in November and reaped in May. | Fact 9 on Egyptian Crops: | Beans were sown in October or November and were cut in about 4 months. | Fact 10 on Egyptian Crops: | Lentils were sown between the middle or end of November and ripened in about 100 days. |
Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Crops Fact Sheet |

Egyptian Crops Discover fast, interesting fun facts about Egyptian Crops for kids with some amazing, cool and quick information about ancient Egypt and Egyptians. Ideal for children, homework, schools, teachers and kids of all ages! Find fascinating fun facts about Egyptian Crops for kids and the history, culture and civilisation of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Egypt. Interesting, fun facts about Egyptian Crops for research, schools, students and kids of all ages. |
Egyptian Crops Learn about Egyptian farming the fast and easy way via the Egyptian Crops Fact sheet. Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Crops Fact Sheet |
Fact 11 on Egyptian Crops: | Vetches (legumes such as beans and peas) were sown between the middle or end of November and ripened in about 100 - 110 days towards the end of March. | Fact 12 on Egyptian Crops: | White lupins were cultivated in ancient Egypt to produce grain which was used after soaking as food for humans and feed for animals. Lupins were also utilized in cosmetics and medicine. | Fact 13 on Egyptian Crops: | Egyptian clover, aka berseem clover, was cultivated an important winter crop in ancient Egypt. Clover was grown in irrigated sub-tropical regions like Egypt and used as fodder, mainly for cattle. It was sown at the beginning of October. The first crop was produced after 60 days, the second after 50 more days and the third crop was left for seed. | Fact 14 on Egyptian Crops: | Safflower is one of Safflower is one of the world's oldest crops. It was used for dyeing, the seeds giving an oil. Safflower was sown in the middle of November and the seeds ripened in 5 months. | Fact 15 on Egyptian Crops: | Lettuce was a luxury crop for the wealthy and reserved for feast days. Lettuce plants were the symbol of the ancient Egyptian god Min, and were similar in shape to our Kos or Romaine lettuce. Its seeds were also pressed to extract an oil mainly used for cooking. The picture below shows the harvest festival of the god Min featuring a statue of Min, which formed a major part of the procession, two priests carry lettuce plants behind the carnival float. | Fact 16 on Egyptian Crops: | Flax (linseed) was sown in the middle of November and plucked after 110 days. | Fact 17 on Egyptian Crops: | Coleseed is a type of the seed of the rape plant belonging to the mustard family. The plant is used as food for animals and sown in the middle of November. | Fact 18 on Egyptian Crops: | Hemp was grown and used as an intoxicating substance. | Fact 19 on Egyptian Crops: | Cummin and coriander were cultivated as spices. Sown in December and harvested in 4 months. | Fact 20 on Egyptian Crops: | Poppies were used in medicine, having slightly narcotic properties (the Arabic name translates as the 'Father of Sleep'). Sown the end of November and seeds ripen in April. |
Ancient Egypt - Egyptian Crops Fact Sheet |

Egyptian Crops | Facts and Information about plants cultivated in ancient Egypt |  | Egypt Crop and harvest |  | The people, places, culture and civilization of ancient Egypt |  | Facts and information about Ancient Egypt |  | Egyptian Crops for kids and schools |  | Egyptian Crop and harvest for kids, schools, homework and research |  | Egyptian Crop and harvest |
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