
The History of Egypt for Kids - King Khaba

The Civilization, Culture & History of Ancient Egypt and facts about Pharaoh Khaba and the "Layer Pyramid"

Ancient Egyptians

Ancient Egyptians - Pharaoh Khaba
A comprehensive guide and fact sheet about King Khaba. Discover fascinating facts and information about the pharaohs of ancient Egypt.
Interesting facts & information about this ancient Egyptian King
The third dynasty and period in history when he was the pharaoh
Major events in his life - the history of Khaba
He adopted the divine status, claiming ancestry from the gods
The life and accomplishments of this ancient Egyptian King
The construction of the "Layer Pyramid" near Giza
His consort and family
An overview of Khaba, a famous King of ancient Egypt

Ancient Egyptians - Khaba
Click a link for additional information and interesting facts about subjects relating to King Khaba, the greatest pharaohs of Egypt or other aspects of daily life, the people and places of ancient Egypt.

Profile of Pharaoh Khaba
The following profile provides a fast overview of King Khaba who is associated with the Layer Pyramid, located at Zawyet el'Aryan, just south of Giza.

Profile of Khaba

History Time Period:Old Kingdom
Dynasty:3rd Dynasty
Dates of his Reign:2603–2599 BC
Principal Wife:Unknown

King Khaba
Interesting facts, biography & information about the life of Pharaoh Khaba, the ancient Egyptian King. The Pharaoh Khaba fact sheet provides details of the major events and accomplishments in his life, his consort and his family. Information about the dynasty and period in ancient Egyptian history in which King Khaba lived. Refer to Pharaohs for additional interesting facts and information.

Ancient Egyptian King - Khaba Fact Sheet

Fact 1 on Khaba:

Name: This pharaoh of ancient Egypt was also known as "The Golden Falcon". His name means "the Soul Appears"

Fact 2 on Khaba:

History: History: He is believed to have ruled as the king of Egypt during the period in ancient Egyptian history known as the Old Kingdom and was a pharaoh of the 3rd dynasty of kings. He succeeded Pharaoh Sekhemkhet to the throne of Egypt.

Fact 3 on Khaba:

Family: The name of his parents are unknown. There are no records that the previous king, Sekhemkhet, had a son and his relationship to Khaba is unknown. It is likely that Sekhemkhet was, however, a close family member.

Fact 4 on Khaba:

Family: There is no specific information about his queen or whether they had any children. He was succeeded by Huni but their relationship is unknown.

Fact 5 on Khaba:

The previous kings in his dynasty, including King Djoser, had set a precedent for royal tombs. The mastaba tomb had been replaced by the step pyramid.

Fact 6 on Khaba:

The rulers of this dynasty had increased their credibility and their power by adopting the divine status, claiming ancestry from the gods. The new 'divine' status helped to prevent further insurrections in the country.

Fact 7 on Khaba:

The new position of the kings enabled them to employ as many of their subjects as they wanted in forced, or conscripted, labor. The labor force was organised in such a way that conscripted labor was only required for a few weeks in every year, ensuring the agriculture and commerce of ancient Egypt was not unduly effected.

Fact 8 on Khaba:

The king used his subjects to build his tomb and funerary monument another type of Step pyramid that would become known as the 'Layer Pyramid'.

Ancient Egyptian King - Khaba Fact Sheet

Step Pyramid at Saqqara

Step Pyramid at Saqqara

Pharaoh Khaba
Discover fast, interesting fun facts about Pharaoh Khaba for kids with some amazing, cool and quick information about ancient Egypt and Egyptians. Ideal for children, homework, schools, teachers and kids of all ages! Find fascinating fun facts about Khaba for kids and the history, culture and civilisation of the ancient Egyptians and ancient Egypt. Interesting, fun facts about this king of Egypt for research, schools, students and kids of all ages.


The Ancient Egyptians


King Khaba
Learn about this ancient Egyptian pharaoh the fast and easy way via the Khaba Fact sheet.

Ancient Egyptian King - Khaba Fact Sheet

Fact 9 on Khaba:

The "Layer Pyramid" was so-called due to the manner in which it was built. Thick, leaning layers of stone were laid against a core, with sloping courses.

Fact 10 on Khaba:

The construction of the "Layer Pyramid" was in Zaqiyet al-Aryan, about 7km north of Saqqara and designed for the construction of seven 'steps' or tiers.

Fact 11 on Khaba:

The builders departed from the trend of building far out in the desert. The location of the location of the "Layer Pyramid" was close to the flood plain.

Fact 12 on Khaba:

The construction of this pyramid showed signs of architectural advancements and increased skills of the stonemasons. The pyramid was intended to built with larger blocks of stone than had been attempted previously.

Fact 13 on Khaba:

The funerary complex of was intended to include the pyramid, a subterranean structure and a necropolis complex.

Fact 14 on Khaba:

These building plans never came to fruition because the "Layer Pyramid" was never finished.

Fact 15 on Khaba:

The pyramid was entered in 1848 by Karl Richard Lepsius but nothing was found, not even a sarcophagus.

Fact 16 on Khaba:

The pyramid was excavated by Alessandro Bassanti and George Andrew Reisner in 1910.

Fact 17 on Khaba:

The next ruler of ancient Egypt was King Huni.

Ancient Egyptian King - Khaba Fact Sheet

 All the Giza Pyramids

All of the Giza Pyramids



Facts and Information about Khaba

Ancient Egyptian King Khaba

Fact based biography of the pharaoh

Facts and information about Ancient Egypt & the Egyptians

King Khaba for kids and schools

Pharaoh Khaba  for kids, schools, homework and research

Life, bio, times, famous events and family of King Khaba


King zzzz and the 3rd Dynasty
The following chart provides the names of the kings and the line of succession in the 3rd Dynasty together with a map of ancient Egypt.

3rd Dynasty



Dates of Reign

Nebka (Sanakhte)2686–2630 BC

Djoser2630–2611 BC

Sekhemkhet aka Djoserty2611–2601 BC

King Khaba2603–2599 BC

King Huni2599–2575 BC
Succession of the Kings

Meidum Step pyramid

Meidum Step pyramid

The Ancient Cities of Egypt

Learning about the ancient Egyptians and King Khaba inspires everyone to visit historical sites and undertake Egypt Travel and Tours to experience the wonders of this magical land at first hand. Many people choose to experience a tour of Egypt on a Nile Cruise stopping at the famous destinations and sites of Egypt such as the Pyramids of Giza and the Great Sphinx. The information and facts about Pharaoh Khaba will provide you with a great insight into Egypt and the legacy of the ancient Egyptians.



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